iPad wallpapers,stephen mc grogan,iphone wallpapers,organdoners.nhs.co.uk,beautiful art & designs for your ipad and iphone

free ipad wallpapers,phil lynott,brian magee,iphone wallpapers,beautiful art & designs for your ipad and iphone

ipadarts,stephen mc grogan,www.organdonation.nhs.uk

 free ipad wallpapers,iphone wallpapers,beautiful art & designs for your ipad and iphone. iphonearts / Visit the official website <a href="http://www.iphonearts.org/">iphonearts</a> free ipad wallpapers,iphone wallpapers,beautiful art & designs for your ipad and iphone.

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Please join us for this challange... "Giving is a gift for life" © Every person "can" help, it is a question of choice.


A selection of your favorite artists...Below,(credit) Muse....

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erotic arts / watercolors ...

Models painted 'livearts' we will be createing a online video art class with live models.

erotic classic arts on iPadarts.org

iPhone iPad *** "wallarts" ©

iPhone 4G & 3GS resolution wallarts, mixed media,fantasy,erotic & more....

iPadarts.org catagorys

Eroticarts,traditional & digital...

Erotic vector & traditional arts mixed with digital effects for the iPhone..

iPadarts.org catagorys


List of catagorys,only some are available to 'bronze members' (upgrade stp. to get full access:)).

iPadarts.org catagorys

love & more love! ...

Send lovearts to your friends as a gift on "your" part.

Love iPadarts.org catagorys

Lucy Evangelista...

Beautiful wallarts of International models,photoshop samples.

 Lucy Evangelista,iPadarts.org catagorys

graphic arts ©... / iconart...

iPad , iPhone 4G & 3GS resolution wallarts, mixed media,fantasy,erotic crazy & more....

graphic lovers on iPadarts.org

erotic arts/ photo & traditional arts...

iPhone 4G & 3GS resolution wallarts, photography,mixed media,fantasy,erotic & more....

graphic lovers on iPadarts.org

iPhone app' design...

iPhone 4G & 3GS resolution graphics, made for app's....

graphic lovers on iPadarts.org

Erotic iphone wallpaper...

copyright stephen mc grogan


'Smartphones' & their graphic spec's...iphone and ipad, google's android,blackberry,We will be illustrating how to create an icon or button for different models...

copyright apple computers


Below,a tutorial made for PSD magazine. A detailed Photoshop tutorial from a sketch to a realistic finish.


And a detailed image published in an erotic magazine in the states..

Fine arts...

pastel drawing


Below,a fantastic iphone & smartphone plugin for wordpress..."A must".

Get WPtouch Pro

ipadarts.org : "iPad wallpapers,icons,iphone wallpapers,& graphics. Beautiful art & designs for your ipad and iphone & smartphone" ...

Welcome member Silver member { Intelligent artistic exchange & innovative design }

Hello erotic art & design lover's, Jimmy Freeman here. "We hope you enjoy the time, pleasure and detail that have gone into the artwork's.", as today, Sunday 26th June , 2011 is the Birthday of iPadarts.org. We have been games in Belfast are taking place in 6 weeks... This is a good taste of the various styles forth-comming. We have great future plans & will share this with you all. Updates every day/week, (newsletter) so please do not forget.... "this is all about helping www.organdonation.nhs.uk & pushing young emerging artists forward. { jimmy freeman 'programmer / director }

Ipad Wallart ? What can I do with them ? ( all images iPhone3GS, iPhone4G & iPadiPad2 mobile device's *** "exact resolution" )

Hold finger on any image / choose 'save image' / image is now in your photos. Share it, email it ,MMS, assign to contact, use as wallpaper (wallart) or print.. 'voila' enjoy, Stephen Mc Grogan, Art Director,iPadarts.org

" Art is like sex...( Salvador Dali ) it" & nothing else but everything, so stop digging in the wrong place's, confusing? ( Jimmy Freeman )...

Feature / the fruits & the flowers, the art of Love 'or want...photo-mixed-media, Stephen Mc Grogan...

Eroticism (from the Greek ????, eros-"desire") is a philosophical contemplation with a focus on the aesthetics of sexual desire, sensuality and romantic love: 'the very word "erotic" implies superior value, fine art, an aesthetic which elevates the mind and incidentally stimulates the body'.Unlike sensuality, which concentrates on the pleasures of the senses, eroticism is concerned with heightening those pleasures, and may involve a delay in sexual gratification to intensify the satisfaction level by extending the period of yearning desire. Eroticism is conceived as sensual or romantic love or the human sex drive (libido) and is personified in Eros, the Greek god of love: "erotic" 'is an epithet which is applied to everything with a connection to the love of the sexes; one employs it particularly to characterize...a dissoluteness, an excess'. An objection to eros and erotic representation is that it fosters a subject/object relationship in which the object of desire is a mere projection of the needs of the desiring subject, so that women 'were still more often the object of the artist's or writer's gaze than they were the subjects of their own representing processes'.Love as eros is considered more base than philia (friendship) or agape (self-sacrificing love). But female complicity in the male gaze cannot be ignored - 'some profound, masochistic will to self-objectification (evident, at a superficial level, in a woman's desire to make herself into a sex object)...doll-like affectations, narcissistic displays of isolated parts of the body, and the faked orgasm are just so many modalities of this essentially artificial sexuality'. Erotic engagement paradoxically individuates and de-individuates the desirer; and 'eroticism itself remains ambiguous: it is at once the domain of women's mastery by men and...the domain of women's mastery over men'. The third kind of love, physio, is directly related with the amount of sex drive that the brain feels upon encountering an erotic moment

{Learn how to create an image like this in Photoshop, a detailed tutorial.}

Feature /Aeolic-dream by Stephen Mc Grogan...

Aeolic or Aeolian : In the classical world, the phenomenon of erotic love was generally understood as a kind of madness or, as the Greeks put it, theia mania ("madness from the gods"). This love passion was described through an elaborate metaphoric and mythological psychology|schema involving "love's arrows" or "love darts", the source of which was often the personified figure of Eros (or his Latin counterpart, Cupid) , or another deity (such as Rumor). At times the source of the arrows was said to be the image of the beautiful love object itself. If these arrows were to arrive at the lover's eyes, they would then travel to and 'pierce' or 'wound' his or her heart and overwhelm him/her with desire and longing (love sickness). The image of the "arrow's wound" was sometimes used to create oxymorons and rhetorical antithesis concerning its pleasure and pain.

ipad illustration by stephen mc grogan

Erotic sketch ( photoshop aftereffects )...

Erotic/ Libido

Libido refers to a person's sex drive or desire for sexual activity. The desire for sex is an aspect of a person's sexuality, but varies enormously from one person to another, and it also varies depending on circumstances at a particular time. A person who has extremely frequent or a suddenly increased sex drive may be experiencing hypersexuality. Sex drive has usually biological, psychological, and social components. Biologically, levels of hormones such as testosterone are believed to affect sex drive; social factors, such as work and family, also have an impact; as do internal psychological factors, like personality and stress. There is no measure of what is a healthy level for sex. Sex drive may be affected by medical conditions, medications, lifestyle and relationship issues. There is no necessary correlation between the desire for sex and actual sexual activity. For example, a person may have a desire for sex but not have the opportunity to act on that desire, or may on personal, moral or religious reasons refrain from acting on the urge. Psychologically, a person's urge can be repressed or sublimated. On the other hand, a person can engage in sexual activity without an actual desire for it. The concept of libido was first introduced by Sigmund Freud as the instinct energy or force, contained in what Freud called the id. Carl Jung defined libido as the free creative or psychic energy an individual has to put toward personal development or individuation. Within the category of sexual behavior, libido would fall under the appetitive phase wherein an individual will usually undergo certain behaviors in order to gain access to a mate.

ipad illustration by stephen mc grogan

Nest spawners / erotic concept

Below, A detailed illustration foe an iphone comic (bd)....Nest spawners Nest spawners construct "some sort of structure, cavity, or pit in which the eggs are laid and fertilized and the embryos are defended. The young are often defended in a nest as well, and in some species, the parents even herd schools of young around for a period of time. Pit nests can be made of a wide variety of material, but the most common are nests of gravel and rocks. Such nests are typically shallow depressions that are carefully constructed and tended by territorial males. Most sunfishes and black basses (Centrarchidae) construct nests of this sort, often in colonies. The males defend the embryos and the young until the young become too active to be kept in the nest. In some cichlids eggs are laid and incubated in one nest depression, but the young are tended (by both parents) in one or more additional depressions that are constructed nearby. "A few species construct nests on sandy bottoms. Either the eggs and embryos in such nests have special adaptations (e.g., semibuoyancy) to reduce the possibility of being smothered, or the parent fish must spend considerable time handling them."


Spawning , illustrated by Stephen Mc Grogan Next page please
Copyright and image rights all belong to me: © 2011 ipadarts. stephenmc.grogan@gmail.com